Eid on Days of Tribulation

By: Ömer Lekesiz*

Yes, it is eid today

But it is not eid for terrorists, those wanting to target the country’s integrity, enemies disguised as allies, the traitors of the nation and ummah and to those who make available the benefits of the municipalities for which they are elected as mayor to terrorists and the organizations with which they are affiliated.

Their aim, on these difficult days, is to disappoint those who are seeking a little love, a smile, kindness and to help one another at least during eid, those who want to build bridges, to aggravate their already existing pain and sorrow, to prolong their sacrifice and hence to continue the days of tribulation without cease.

Days of tribulation…

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)=Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) within the country and their extensions on the outside craving blood and torture, targeting the people’s peace and the country’s integrity…

The great effort by soldiers who, with their lives under risk, have taken the Syria border under special protection for security reasons and started a necessary purge for this cause…

The Palestinians in Gaza who not only lack the means to nourishment but whose rights to even breathe have been violated by Israel…

The captive Jerusalem… The sorrow of the Mi’raj Route where Jewish chants echo in the name of the Wailing Wall…

Al-Aqsa, which they are digging under with the excuse that they are seeking Solomon’s treasures, to destroy it by making it collapse…

The gallows set up in the Far East for Muslim scholars, those taken away from their homelands and those who are forced to convert religions through hunger and death threats…

The African population who are tried to be labeled as subordinate…

Afghanistan and Pakistan, which are under U.S. domination…

The Azovs, Uyghurs and Turkmens moaning under Russian and Chinese oppression…

Islamophobia, which was created by the U.S. and spread all throughout Europe – even its most remote areas…

The grandchildren of the inquisitionist scruffy Isabel, who formed death teams at their borders to repel the Syrian refugees…

Yes, we are going through days of tribulation…

Those who are saying that eid cannot be celebrated, and they too will abstain from celebrating eid while the Muslim world is subject to so much evil, trouble, dominance and violation, are right.

Those who are saying that they will never give up celebrating the eid even on days of tribulation are also right.

The connecting word between the two approaches is eid. It is very important that this has a real commonality in both approaches.

Whether we celebrate it or not, it is eid.

Thankfully, we are neither in a state of celebrating out of spite nor not celebrating out of spite.

Because our worship, which is connected to eid, cannot be the subject of spite derived from either positivity or negativity. It is a duty we accepted and undertook without hesitation. Even if there is one single Muslim left on the face of the world, it is something they will do alone without being subject to any influences.

Eid al-Adha of those who did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for their faith and the people, the most recent ones who were the victims of the July 15 coup attempt, Van, Elazığ, Bitlis and Gaziantep…

This eid is the eid of those who know well that they have reached a new eid due to their sacrifices, for the sake of their sacrifices…

An eid that unites us, with one side love, joy and one side pain and sorrow, keeping us all together in every state and with our every action…

The eid, a trust from Prophet Adam, from Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail, which we took over from our prophet as an order and duty, is the general response in regards to providing humanity’s peace and the concrete response of our special hope for the well-being of our nation.

This is what we believe and we are confident that our belief is eventually going to be crowned with success and triumph.

Therefore, I wish you a happy Eid al-Adha in hopes of many more peaceful and blissful eids.

I wish those who were injured in the HDP=PKK’s Van terrorist attack a quick recovery.

*Ömer Lekesiz is a columnist at Yeni Şafak Turkish newspaper.
       (Published in Yeni Şafak on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016)